Nursery in Wimbledon, Local to you, SW19.​ OFSTED Registered

High quality, Affordable Childcare. Tel: 02085407775

Dear Parents

Thank you for showing an interest in our Day Nursery, Bumble Bee’s in Wimbledon. Your very own community High Quality, Affordable Childcare Services which open at convenient time of the day for every staff in Wimbledon, be it the NHS, Colleges, Banking Staff, Students, catering staff, Railway Staff, School Teachers and more.
The team would like you to know that we have over twenty years experience, in Wimbledon as a day nursery for children and caring for attendees with special needs, with extensive qualifications in each. Because of this knowledge as a nursery in Wimbledon, we are able to create a warm and loving environment for your little ones to learn and develop fully in their early years. The team’s experience, qualifications and ratio meets OFSTED Regulations.
The premises has been specially designed into separate opened plan areas for different activities and independent play, such as the messy area for arts and crafts as well as the sensory area for exploration. We also have a book corner where a child can have quiet time.
We want you to feel welcome to stay with your child as long as you wish, when you wish and are happy to receive any input from you.
In the following pages you will find out more about Bumble Bee’s Day Nursery, in Wimbledon. If you are interested in securing a place please contact us to arrange a viewing at your earliest convenience.
The team look forward to meet with you.
Best Regards
The Team
020 8540 7775

Free Funding

We offer FREE 15 & 30 hours funding for children aged 2, 3 & 4 years. Speak to our Nursery Manager for further details.

Tax-Free Childcare

If you get Tax-Free Childcare, you’ll set up an online childcare account for your child. For every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay your provider.

School Run

Bumble Bee’s will take care of your child’s school drop off’s and pickups, so you don’t have to. Leave it to us. Give us some notice


Early Years Foundation

The Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery in Wimbledon brings together:
Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (2000), The Birth to Three Matters (2002) framework and the National Standards for Under 8s Daycare and Childminding (2003), building a coherent and flexible approach to care and learning.
• Comprehensive reporting on individual achievement
• Educational field trips and outings
• Individual attention in small group settings
• Learning program with after-school care
• Working in partnership with parents
• Positive learning environment for your child

Learning & Fun

Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer a stimulating environment for children.
Friendly Place Nurseries in Wimbledon. 
A place to have fun and make friends in a home from home environment where your child’s happiness and development is our first priority.
Day Nursery Wimbledon Culture,
Bumble Bees will continuously pursue quality and learning objectives of the children for the benefit of parents and our communities, while always keeping ethical standards in the forefront of our efforts

Features & Safety

Our layout as Day nurseries in Wimbledon has been specially designed with bright airy rooms that have plenty of space for free movement around the nursery:
• Friendly and welcoming place
• Painting and art classes
• Positive learning environment
• Educational field trips
• Writing and reading classes
• Understanding of the world.
Your child’s safety is paramount.
We have numerous systems in place, like our video face recognition intercom to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing.


At Bumble Bee’s Wimbledon Nursery It is popular belief that what a child eats affects how they perform. With this in mind we have produced an organic based menu that uses the freshest ingredients with minimum sugar, salt and oil. Example of our food selections:
Breakfast Cereals, yoghurt and fruit, crumpets, toasted bagels and more. Lunch Roast Dinners, pasta, Stir-fry, Curries, Fish pie and more. Tea Pasta salads, filled rolls, tortilla wraps, pizza bread and more. All hot meals are provided by an outside professional company. Details are available on request.

Daily Routine

Wimbledon Nursery, High Quality, Affordable Childcare offers at 09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast/Free play activities/main room
10.15 10.30 Circle time (main room)
10.30 10.45 Snack time
10.45 12.00 Free flow activities (main room, expressive arts in room or garden). Focus activities is done if child has an interest in them
12.15 21.30 Circle time/physical movement activities:
12.30 13.30 Lunch time
13.30 1.45 Garden time
14.00 15.00 Sleep time
15.00 Home time

Safety & Security

At Bumble Bees’s Nursery, Wimbledon security is top priority. All entry doors are locked throughout the day and access is only available to authorised individuals who must sign in and out. Children will be signed in at the start of the day and released to named persons at the end of the day. We also require a password given to us by the guardians if someone else is collecting your child.

About Us

We are a private family run Day Nursery Wimbledon, OFSTED registered to provide care for children aged 18 months to 5 years. Full day, half day, school time and flexible sessions available. Free funding for 2, 3 & 4 year olds available. Opening times – 09:00am till 3:00pm, 51 weeks per year. Early arrivals and late pickups available.

Free Funding

Your child is entitled to a maximum of 15 and/or 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year (Subject to eligibility?) Please speak to the manager to find out more.
How can I use my funded hours? You are guaranteed to have the funding in the following ways:
• 3 hours a day over 5 days of the week (Subject to availability)
• 5 hours a day over 3 days of the week (Subject to availability)

Curriculum & Planning

Bumble Bee’s Day Nursery use the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that parents can be confident that their child will receive a quality and experience that supports their development and learning.

Contact Us

Nursery Wimbledon|High Quality, Affordable Childcare



73 Haydons Road
SW19 1HQ


Email & Tel:
Call us on 02085407775



Monday– Friday
Weekend Closed

School Run
Nursery in Wimbledon, Bumble Bee’s take care of child’s school drop off’s and pickups, so you don’t have to. Leave it to us.