Bumble Bee’s Day Nursery use the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that parents can be confident that their child will receive a quality and experience that supports their development and learning.
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Bumble Bee’s Day Nursery use the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that parents can be confident that their child will receive a quality and experience that supports their development and learning.
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At Bumble Bees’s Nursery, Wimbledon security is top priority. All entry doors are locked throughout the day and access is only available to authorised individuals who must sign in and out.
Wimbledon Nursery, High Quality, Affordable Childcare offers at 07.30 09.00 Breakfast/Free play activities/main room 09.15 9.30 Circle time (main room) 09.30 09.45 Snack time 09.45 11.00 Free flow activities (main room, expressive arts in room or garden). Focus activities is done if child has an interest in them 11.15 11.30 Circle time/physical movement activities: 11.30
At Bumble Bee’s Wimbledon Nursery It is popular belief that what a child eats affects how they perform. With this in mind we have produced an organic based menu that uses the freshest ingredients with minimum sugar, salt and oil.
Our layout as Day nurseries in Wimbledon has been specially designed with bright airy rooms that have plenty of space for free movement around the nursery:
Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer a stimulating environment for children. Friendly Place Nurseries in Wimbledon.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery in Wimbledon brings together: Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (2000), The Birth to Three Matters (2002) framework and the National
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